My friend is looking to buy a laptop... he specifically asked me to find him one with an i7 processor... his budget is 300 USD. having built my own computer i know that a reasonably good i7 would cost around 250 USD which would be almost the entire cost of the laptop... what do you guys think? do you have any recommendations? or just tell him to lower his expectations?
EDIT: screen size and hard drive space do not matter. he is buying an external hard drive, and his only requirement for screen size is no smaller than 12 inches.
he doesnt know anything about computers really. He wouldn't know what a thread was. just that i7 is bigger than i5. also, unfortunately the price must be under 300$ not a dollar over. Though I do like your build a little better than the one i made.
light gaming but mostly just school work. I tried to tell him to wait for cyber monday or christmas and have his parents pitch him a couple extra hundred but he is hell bent on buying it now.
Well here ya go, he just needs to live without a case, you could also just tear open the external hard drive potentially and use that, but it might be one of the hard drives with a USB PCB on it rather than sata
the A10 7850k with 2400mhz should game about on the level of a console
this is great thanks! also, Im pretty i can convince him to take apart his old computer, use that case and let me keep everything else for helping him build it :P