Best laptop for $300-$400

i am looking for the best laptop my money can buy. i have around 300-400 dollars but i could go higher if necessary. thankks

Want a (used) Surface Pro 2? 8gb of RAM and a 256gb SSD, powered by an I5-4300U.

I was going to ask just this question... but limited to 14" or less. Must be good 'back to school' deals atm.

Depends on what you want it for...
Everything but AAA gaming?

Without a doubt go with an older thinkpad T410, T420, T430, W520 with 8gb or more, ssd, linux.

I'm thinkpad guy.. can't use anything else after working with rackmount spacesaver IBM keyboards.
Thinkpad classic keyboard, the best keyboard imo


for how much?


this one is 499 but it's killer hardware, you should be able to find them cheaper in lower spec ie:8GB ram models in the US go for 200-400 depending on condition. there usually in good nic since they're basically bomb proof.