Best Joystick For Under £75

Hey Guys

Once again back for community advice seeing as you guys are all so nice.

I just wanted to ask what Joysticks you use and how much they cost. I am looking for a joystick for under £75, i want both hands on throttle and stick control (HOTAS), high build quality a fair number of assignable buttons and for it too be the best in its price range.

I am looking for it to be used in flight in games such as  - Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, ARMA II (Also ARMAIII), maybe BF4, KSP if that is possible and just any other games which i may get over the follow year or so. 

I am currently looking at a Thrustmaster Joystick, here is the link -

Again guys thanks for your help its all appreciated and is of great help to me!

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That Thrustmaster is one of the few HOTAS setups available under £75 but if you can stretch your budget you might find a Saitek X52 for under £100. 

Optionally the Saitek Cybory Fly 5 or Thrustmaster T-160000M are rated as good sticks. Check out frooglesim on youtube for reviews.

i got my eye on the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Flight Stick

I've ordered the T Flight Hotas but have been waiting for it to come in stock the last couple of weeks. Scan were supposed to be getting it in stock Tuesday just gone but they seem to have missed that date. 

If you are desperate for it call flightstore as they will probably have them in stock. Their customer service has always been great but they don't usually discount from RRP as much as Scan or overclockers etc.