Best Intel Chipset for a budget build?

B75, H67, H77, P68, holy shit. No idea. Using an i3-3220 CPU. NO need for a chipset that eases overclocking. Need help with this soon, thanks.

Depends on the features used (SSD caching, PCI-e lanes, USB3, etc). If you don't use any special features, the simple answer is: whichever is cheapest.

Musts: PCIe 3, USB 3.0 (Rear I/O and Header)

Probably a B75 motherboard will be your best bet. PCI-e 3 is dependant on CPU, which you have covered with IB Core i3, and even the cheapest B75 mobo I've seen sports USB 3 (rear and internal header).

One last thing, what's the difference between all of these chipsets?

Various features, such as SSD caching, PCI-e lanes, number of SATA ports, and other not-so-obvious technologies. I honestly don't know the exact differences, but you can look at them here:,64018,52816,64021,64024,64030

I have a headache now. Haha