Best Headphones?

My old shitty Logitech G930s just started (possibly getting a refund) buzzing, then shutting off (doing this every time I turn it on) . I've tried to fix it, although I couldn't (doing so would void the warranty).

Anyway, I've decided to buy a new headset.

I was looking around, and I found the best option was the Audio-Technica ATH-M50s were a good choice. I am also looking for a microphone that I could attach to the headset if it doesn't have one already.


It depends on what music you listen to

I listen to all sorts of music though D:

bump (the competitions are making my thread amost impossible to see)

not sure dude

Personally I use AKG k240s Im a wedding DJ and have found these, for me, are the most durable, all-around headsets. yes there are better for certain things, but there is a reason the k-240s have been in production so long.

I have the G430's by Logitech and haven't encountered a problem with them thus far, I've had them for about 4 months now :o! They're pretty sick, but I listen to Hardstyle and the bass starts getting fuzzy at around 10~12 (-12~12 are the settings for base/treble, 12 being the highest)  Besides that fact they're amazing, I can hear clearly where everyone is in CS 1.6 and other video games, and would recommend it. the G930's seem a little too.... focused on aesthetics IMO.

G430's = Simple 'n' Sick


I kinda want to steer clear of Logitech right now. Their returns policy is a bitch.

Yeah I've used the Audio Technica ATH-M50's, Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro's, Sennheiser 598's, and a bunch of Sony monitors... buy any of those and then slap a "ModMic" on there. Their bringing out a version 4.0 that looks to be the best so far if your willing to wait.