what are the best headphones for editing audio.
Depends on the price range. Anything with a relatively flat signature and wide soundstage.
You can't afford "The best"
Get Audio Technica ATH-M50X
i was thinking around the $400 range
I'm biased because I own them, but AKG K702 headphones are much better for editing because of their flatter response.
@mason06 A good amp/DAC is also an important part of the setup, if you're looking for the cleanest sound you can get.
Sennheiser HD600
Poor, poor choice. M50X have terrible soundstage and neutrality, no good at all for audio work.
K702, HD600, NVX XPT100, Mayflower Version 2.
Those moded out Fostex phones are generally pretty good, but Behrdynamics, AKG, Sony, or Sennheisier are all really good choices...
I'm partial to (and own a pair of) Sennheiser HD 25 II. They are extremely accurate, can take an amping or run without. They also have decent isolation, are lightweight and comfortable for long periods of use. All the parts are user replaceable too.
For editting shit, you will want a relatively flat response and good detail. Q701, Mad Dogs (Alpha Dogs, if you are willing to stretch your budget), K550, or maybe an iem like some Etys or something.