Best Graphics Card For just gaming?

I was wondering because I am very new to the computer gaming and stuff realm. What is the best graphics card to get for people who just want to game on it. Gaming on 1080p ultra settings with fps more than 50 if possible so there are no lags during gameplay. I am trying to find a graphics card that can fulfill these things. 

I Recommend a 780 or R9-290 if you want something now. but if you can wait then wait till September when Nvidia brings out their 800 Series GPU's

GTX 780 is $500+

R9-290 is $400+

but their performance is next to identical, they beat each other in different games but usually its the games that are optimized for each other.

Well, the sky is the limit... right after your wallet. If your wallet doesn't give any shits then a few R9 290Xs in crossfire couldn't hurt. One would get the job done though.

A GTX 770 would do fine, i get 60-80 fps in BF4 on ultra, an 280x would allso be good.