Hi, I have a 450w psu and im running a gtx 660. What is the best graphics card that is an upgrade from the gtx 660 that would work with my psu. Thanks! :)
I have:
intel i5 3470
Antec basiq vp450
4 fans
Hi, I have a 450w psu and im running a gtx 660. What is the best graphics card that is an upgrade from the gtx 660 that would work with my psu. Thanks! :)
I have:
intel i5 3470
Antec basiq vp450
4 fans
A geforce 970 is pretty close in wattage, but says to have a 500watt minimum psu. I think you might be stuck because of your psu, but I could be wrong?
^^^this^^^ make sure the PSU is 80+ bronze certified and IMO one of these manufacturers Seasonic or Corsair or XFX ... some Cooler masters and some EVGAs
Try to keep at least 20% overhead from system usage to PSU output
970 for sure can handle a 450w PSU, as long as it's a good PSU. Though if you don't mind waiting for the 960 i would go for that if you're tight on cash and it does seem that your PSU is not 80+ certified.
The geforce 960 will be postponed till sometime in 2015. So I recommend either waiting or upgrading your psu.
This doesn't include anything except for the gpu, but as you can see, they don't use much power in general. But I am guessing that you wouldn't need more than about 100W for the rest of your system. For reference, my system (4430, 280x, 3 hhds, and an ssd) uses ~300W while gaming.
So i can most likely run the 960 when it is released?
Yes, I suggest waiting for the 960 it will probably be a huge improvement over the 660.
Alright thanks for the suggestion. Never thought about that lol.
I can't believe your current PSU - which can only provide 18 amps on both of its dual +12V rails is able to power a GTX 660 ti which requires 24 amps. I hope you won't encounter any problems with it in the future, I suggest that you buy an 80+ certified PSU that can provide more than just 30 amps on the +12v rail to ensure nothing goes wrong, especially if you're planning to overclock.
970 now or 960 later on. I again would recommend the 960 - those things will be low power sucking beasts. I'd dare say they'll only have a single 6pin pcie connector when released.
GTX970 will be totaly fine. ☺
Asus 970 Strix for example will be totaly fine.