Best GPU out of these?,%20TV%20Tuners%20and%20I/O%20-%20Graphics&origin=pla


Thanks if you can help and heres also my build which one of these will go into:

I personally love my card a gigabyte oc windoforce gtx 760 but im not sure if everyone gets the same possible clocks at me I'm running at  1304Mhz on core clock and 6958Mhz memory clock running at 65C. Just stating opinion. from what I know most cards aren't stable at that it is a very cool card considering that is at about 67% fan speed.

The gigabyte model is going to stay the coolest, so this will be great if you plan on overclocking it (or you are just paranoid about temps) plus it looks like it has the highest base clock at 1085MHz. I'd personally choose this one over the others.

I've heard a lot of really good things about EVGA's ACX cooler, but that Windforce card definitely has a beastly cooler on it. Just make sure you've got the room in your case for it.

And personally, I really hate that triple-slot cooler design that ASUS uses. I feel like it's really inefficient as far as space is concerned. I could be wrong though. If the extra height adds more heatsink volume, then it's bound to cool better. I still don't think it can compete with that Windforce cooler though.


So yes, I personally say go for that Gigabyte model.