Best GPU for VectorWorks

I do a good bit of 3D design in VectorWorks Spotlight and am considering a new build now that my current one is slowing down to a crawl. What GPU would work best for light gaming, some photo/video editing, and a good bit of 3D design? 


What is your budget?

I was thinking somewhere in the range of 300-500. I have a bit of room to work around.

GTX 970 for around $350

GTX 780Ti around $450

GTX 980 around $550

When you say vector you usually want to lean more towards quadro 4000 or higher

A gamming gtx card will hold there own, but they have mild visual quarks (most people can work around or never notice) 80% of the time usually the gtx is the way to go. I'm not sure how heavy you will be working in vector 

Great! Thank you! I was thinking of the 970 STRIX that they just posted a video about so this confirmation is perfect.

I am still a student using it for theatre and entertainment lighting plots so a few minor visual quirks are no big deal as long as the plot is correct at the end. I only use it every once in a while but as I am getting more familiar with it I am starting to use it more so in the future I may go the quadro route.

Also, Beefsquatch for the win.