I'm looking for the best GPU for my build, and im not sure if i should go Geforce GTX or Radeon... both manufacturers have cards similar in price but ultimately i want to know who produces the better GPU in terms of gaming and quality in this price range. Thanks!
Build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/eblkxchaos/saved/3SJm (7770 is a placeholder)
it depends on what kind of games you intend to play on which card will be better for you. Do you like borderlands 2? because in that game physx makes a big impact so a geforce gtx would be better. If you dont mind missing out on minor details in games then go with an amd card. This is one of the best GPUs Nvidia has for under 150$ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121725 amd also offers this excellent card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121642 both are excellent cards and will run most games on ultra or high. I have the gtx 650ti and I play all my games on ultra except planetside 2 I have to turn that down to high but it is one of the most graphically taxing games.
No. Amd R7 265 is better, price-to-performance wise, than the Nvidia GTX 750 Ti, and both are better than the 650 Ti. And they cost $150.
"Radeon R7 265 holds a particularly large 19% lead over GTX 750 Ti, and in fact wins at every single benchmark."
Source: http://anandtech.com/show/7764/the-nvidia-geforce-gtx-750-ti-and-gtx-750-review-maxwell (if you take a look at the benchmarks, you will see a card named 650 Ti-B, this is the 650 Ti BOOST, which is better than the 650 Ti).
The R7 265 is comparable to the 7850, which is better than the 7770.
In conclusion: the best card for you is the R7 265.
That exact HD7770 card by Asus is junk..... They RMA'd me 3 of them and EVERY SINGLE ONE FAILED. So i finally said screw it and got a EVGA GTX760 Because i could.... Moral of the story is if you buy an HD 7770 don't buy the Asus one.
I would suggest the GTX 750 or 750ti. They are both great cards and from what I've seen great overclockers too. I would suggest an Asus GTX 750 or 750ti because its got a 6 pin power jack, as the normal one doesn't which means you can get more power and you can overclock a bit more. However with radeon cards you'll get Mantle which is still very early but if you have a small budget and a lower end CPU radeon is the way to go.
Have you seen any benchmarks of the 750 Ti? Because AMD R7 265 has better performance than the 750 Ti AT THE SAME PRICE POINT, which is the exact same conclusion of every review that I have read.
The only reason I suggested the 650ti over the 750 is because he said he wanted it for under 150$ and with shipping and tax in some states the 750 would be somewhere in the 180$ range where the 650ti would be right at 150$, but you're correct if it is just the price of the card then the 750 is better.