I want to get a new gpu, Im trying to get the best for the money, im thing on the 660 sc+ 3gb
What u guys think ?
I prefer a 7950, it performs just as good as a GTX 670 (if not better) , but this card should do the trick. Go with which ever you like best.
Best GPU for the money depends on what your going to do with the GPU.
For games, the best GPU for the money is the 7870 Tahiti LE / 7870 XT cards (that are a streamlined 7950, rather then a tweaked old 7870) after that its the 7950 that tends to spank the 660TI on games and since the new driver updates the 670 too.
Those Tahiti cards are rediculous.
the gtx 660ti cards are the best
Either this or a 7950 are going to give you the best performance for your money:
Just got a PNY GTX 670 for $299. Thats pretty good for a card this powerful
GTX 660Ti if you need Cuda, Physx and that 3d vision and such.
HD7950 - if you plan on using Eyefinity (multi monitors)
Easiest way to say it.
I was kinda impressed that Club3D card went near the performance of the GTX680 (dedicated overclocked). Thats only numbers for most of us, but shows that 7950 on air cooling can be impressive when OCed. Dunno how stuff goes with 660Ti though. I myself after about 9-10 years with Nvidia products switched to "reds" and went with Sapphire Vapor-X HD7950 OC with Boost and the temps while playing Hitman Absolution on Ultra are 50-56C (45% of fan speed) with average of 36FPS on "stock" clocks.
May be this will help http://youtu.be/d6hjT0Ktoqw
But thats only one game. For example in GTA IV (and DLC's) Nvidia beats AMD big time. Same goes on Batman for green team, but source engine games for red camp.
but I yet have not diside what I want to get.
but thanks for the help/
Club3D do make awesome cards. Only replacing my 5770 because im getting crashes at heat during gaming. I think its down to physical damage as it has followed me through multiple builds. I was still getting ~25/30FPS on hitman at 1900x1200 with pretty high settings (Lowered shadows and particles etc, high textures) Scary good cards. Not that easy to get hold of in the UK though (Decent retailers, not ebay etc)
+1 for the 7950. You can find them for $275 and up, usually - sometimes lower.
for 260 the 7870XT its Tahitan it out performs a gtx 660 ti just below a 7850 so its well worth it