I was thinking a EVGA 660 SC from newegg would be the best for Gaming at 1080p. What do you guys think?
(I'm in the U.S.)
I was thinking a EVGA 660 SC from newegg would be the best for Gaming at 1080p. What do you guys think?
(I'm in the U.S.)
I think it's worth spending the extra $15-$25 on a 760. It's only $15-$25 more for a newer card
i agree i would go for the evga gtx 760 from amazon
Is PNY a good brand? I always try to stick to quality brands and i never bought any of PNY's products before.
GTX 760 if you're willing to pay more.
Otherwise, an R9 270/270X may be alright if you can find one at a decent price.
660ti: http://www.microcenter.com/product/405815/GTX660-TIDC2025-2GD5_NVIDIA_GeForce_GTX_660_Ti_Overclocked_2048MB_GDDR5_PCIe_30_x16_Video_Card
R9 270: http://www.superbiiz.com/detail.php?name=MSI-9270GM&c=CJ
.... that's as good as I see in stock....
PNY is good enough for me. I have a GTX 770 made by PNY and it runs great. If you register the card online your warranty gets extended to a lifetime warranty for as long as you own it.