Best games for some "light" gaming on older/weaker rigs?

Just got a ThinkPad Yoga. It's got an intel i5 4200U, which means Intel HD 4400 integrated graphics. What are some recommendations for games that will run well on this rig so I can have some entertainment when I'm hanging out between classes? Bonus points for RTS, racing, and sports options, but FPS, indie, and anything else is always appreciated.

Well, for easy to run RTS there's always Brood War. I think you can still play custom games on, and ladder games at places like iccup. For turn based strategy, there's games like Defcon, Frozen Synapse, or even good old Risk (or a browser based clone). For FPS, you can always play some Counter Strike 1.6 or Source. Both are still active and should run fine on that laptop. And of course there are a ton of indie games that aren't recourse intensive. Super Meatboy, Binding of Isaac (or rebirth), Cthulhu Saves the World (jrpg), FTL, Papers Please, Don't Starge, Hotline Miami, I Zombie, Plants vs Zombies, Mark of the Ninja, Organ trail, Risk of Rain, Spelunky etc. etc.

Of course, there's always old school games like Another World, or the Sega Classics pack (comes with a ton of classic sega genesis games) or you could always emulate. Of course, most of these require a controller (as do some of the indie games I mentioned above), but little bluetooth controllers are cheap if you want to keep things portable.

Anyway, hope that gets you started at least. Happy gaming!


I just picked up Warcraft 3 for $9 the other day. I missed those stupid little peasants "Job's Done!"

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Haha, right when I ordered this laptop I went and found my old WC3 CDs and imported the keys into my online account so I could give it a whirl again. It's been too long. I wonder how it will be with just touch controls. Might be fun!

All awesome recs! I'll snag a bluetooth controller and give Meat Boy a play again. Probably gonna finally play Frozen Synapse. Might play some Counter Strike, but I'm terrible so I never really got in to it.

See you on then. Enjoy your gaming my friend.

I always played Orc, so I'm used to my peons saying "Work, work."

Zug zug?

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I wish they would port over WC2. I liked that one way better than 3

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Is WC2 not available on modern Windows?

Not that i could find ( at least on Blizzard's site ) It might be on like GOG or something.

I'm pretty sure the edition of WC2 works on at least windows 7, if you can find it that is. Otherwise there is always dosbox.