So I just got a phablet and want to start reading e-books on it, but I have no idea what reader to use.
The formats I like to at least be able to read is epub (with DRM) and PDF, is there any single app for those formats or do I need multiple apps? I would prefer one app to rule them all...
Moon+reader is one of the few I've found that doesn't have a problem with epub like many others do.
Universal Book Reader claims to do it and looks much better than moon+reader
Here's some more results
I am very plain and use Google Play Books but it works very well. You can resize the font the paper color and it will reflow the text soit can fit more words on a page. That and I can upload the books to my drive and get them from my library when I want them.
I went with Moon+, mainly because of massive support of different file formats, but also the customization. I've set it up to be similar to Google Play Books, but with black background and "cream"-colored text.
Found this to help with my choise, even though I tried several before I settled for Moon+.
Used Google Play books, Aldiko, Kindle, and one other that I cant remember the name of... I suppose that it all comes down to the user, and everyone is different, so just try a few and then decide.