Best Distro for Game Server

So recently I have slowly been coaxing my friends into doing more PC-related gaming. The next big step is to get them on a game other than Minecraft: Garrys Mod. Most of them have it and are ready to go, but I'm having issues with the server side. Right now I'm putting an old computer back into commission as a stand-alone Gmod server(as in, that's mostly what it will be doing). Other than some Raspberry Pi work I plan on starting some time soon, this computer will be a home game server. In your opinion, generally, what Distro would be best for a set up like this?

I'm very limited in my Linux knowledge so preferably not something that would take days to set up. It would also have to be something that is lightweight so that as many resources as possible can be devoted to hosting the game. My set up currently is running Linux Mint and based on topics I have seen lately around the web, I don't think that's the optimal choice. If it's the best choice for the current situation, awesome, but I just want to make sure that I can provide the best possible experience for my friends. Any advice is greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance 

TL;DR--what, in your opinion, is the best Linux Distro for a home gaming server for an old computer



  • CPU: Intel Core 2 6300 @ 1.86GHz(there's a "x2" next to this value)
  • RAM: 7.7GB
  • Graphics: Intel Corporation 82G965 Integrated Graphics Controller(long story short, old driver update screwed up the computer so the technician removed the graphics card)
  • Current Kernel Version: 3.8.0-19-generic

I will recommend OpenSuse for most home server deployment situations.

I will look into that. Thanks!