Hey so I'm looking at gtx 770's for my upcoming build and I'm wondering which is better, the Windforce cooler from Gigabyte or the Twin froser from MSI. I already have a gigabyte Mobo but I don't know if that would boost performance on there cards.
thanks but I'm not looking at the MSI lightning because the back plate on it provides problems when using it in SLI
take it off?
I did but the MSI lightning is different then Twin frozer, they use the same fans but different pcb's so they will cool different
they will cool differently just being put in different places in the case.
but in the same case which cools better? that's my question
in the end of the video linus provides graphics showing the different heat dissipation. Just watch it.
I did its a different card, the MSi lightning card is different from the twin froser, so it dosently apply
that shows that there is little difference in the 2 cards. the lower high is traded for a higher low.