Best config for recording lossless VHS PAL input

I’d like to digitize my family’s Video 8 cassettes, so I bought an analog to digital converter (this one) and an HDMI capture card capable of outputting raw video (YUV2) and (at least according to the seller) 60FPS at 1080p (this one).
I figured this config would be better than using a dirt cheap capture card like this one.
But now I’m not so sure… I’ve been reading a lot, but I can’t quite figure out what the best approach would be. My goal is to have a lossless digital capture of the analog input in the best possible format for restoration and ultimately slow encoding using HEVC.
What resolution should I set? Even though the AV-HDMI converter receives PAL, which is of course SD, it has only two options - 720p and 1080p. So should I just use 720p, which is what the capture card (probably) receives? And what about framerate? Any idea what framerate the AV-HDMI converter outputs? It’s so difficult to find any documentation! Finally, what’s the best way to use ffmpeg (or something else) to produce a lossless file with as many details as possible? Or perhaps I got this all wrong and should have just used the easycap…
In a nutshell, I found a lot of conflicting information on the best way to archive VHS tapes and get the best material for restoration/AI-assisted upscaling possible. Maybe someone had better luck and figured out a good way or can recommend some good resources… Thanks!

Well all that stuff is from aliexpress so your milage may vary however the videos are low quality already right? 240 lines if I’m not mistaken.

I think just following this forum post is your best bet.

I am sure there are some post processing that can be done but this is 720p life for sure :slight_smile:

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Is it interleaved? … Getting it into a watchable state might be complicated these days

sorry for reviving this thread, for some reason i cannot DM @wendell

i saw his comment on the “news” about his old rips being shit and thought this might be able to help.
this is not a website link … now

and this was the thread it seemed to belong most on…

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Ultimately I bought this and was able to digitize the tapes with no issues. Perhaps it can help someone facing the same issues.