Best CMS for school website?

I need a CMS that will allow me to basically do websites nested in websites, with a WYSIWYG editor for teachers to do their sites with. Basically the design of it would be:

County Site --v
department sites
school sites
teacher sites

And it needs to integrate with active directory.


Super easy mode: Google Sites.

Easy, drag and drop, non technical, easy to teach and can be 'linked to your schools website domain with Google, USERNAME@[YOUR SCHOOLS NAME].COM, links with AD too.

Obviously if you already have 365 or Sharepoint then whatever but if not... it's good free solution.

Feel free to PM me with any further questions.


I'm trying to find one they can host themselves, they use SharePoint right now but its a really old version I think and it's a terrible fit for them (none of the teachers like it). My fear with Google Sites is that the IT staff will pitch a fit about having to move the email off their MS Exchange server. I'll talk to them about it though, seems like if they can get over it being cloud based they can use that.

You wouldn't have to "move" anything, simply pull staff's accounts from AD, there's no shipping across as such.

Say you only wanted a handful of teacher's to use this service, just pull their accounts over or create them new ones on Google, so much easier. Also no over heads.

Totally agree,

I am speaking from experience, so please get in touch if you need a hand selling IT on this from a fellow sys admin.

I totally agree...

The school district I was in moved all school sites to Google Sites and everything is way nicer and I've heard a lot of good things about it from teachers/faculty.
Personally as a side note I'd switch the whole school/district to google apps for education. Never have to worry about servers going down or anything. All you need is an internet connection.

All the teachers want them to do something like Drive, the problem is beauracracy :P If we move all our infrastructure, which requires lots of paperwork, to "the cloud", which requires no paperwork, then all the paperwork-completion positions in our IT department might...VANISH :P

I will definitely talk to them about it though, thanks for the suggestions guys! Right now they're using weebly (the free tier, a tech contact at one of the schools found it and thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and chooses to overlook the shady ads and popups that it has...yay -_-) so I'm sure they're open to suggestions.