Best Case for 70USD or Less

I am going to buy a new case my old one is obsolete. I would like the best bag for the buck out of my case. I would like to be able to upgrade to a custom water cooling loop e=in the future. Nothing extreme but 2 240 mounts should be good. Right now I only can afford air cooling so i would like case fans to come stock. I would like a windowed side panel as well. I have a M-atx board right now. i would like to keep the size small. 


I honestly don't think this case exists, a $70/usd with 2 mounts for 280s, that is a stretch.

With that said I think the Corsair Carbide Series SPEC-01, 02 or 03 are in your price range and come with some stock fans. This case would support a 240mm up top and a possible 240mm-280mm up front with case modifications if you remove the hard drive bays.(watch out for the size of heat sinks on your motherboard though, could interfere with the radiator)

The Corsair Carbide Series CC-9011070 would come close at a $90/usd price with $10 shipping from Newegg. This case will have plenty of room for customization and looks to be targeted to budget builders. It will natively fit two 240mm with an mITX motherboard. It is said to come with 3 stock fans when it releases 09-05-14.

Both these cases have the windowed side panels, worth looking into anyway. cc-9011070 might be larger than you were looking for but it looks like a solid case for liquid cooling mods.

Hope it helps.


Sorry about that I meant 240mm 


Look at Fractal Design and Corsair. I think they both have best bang for the buck right now. 

Actually there are a few options...

Corsair Spec 03

Corsair 230T - if you ask me - this is awful case, but it has 240 mount...

NZXT Phantom 240

NZXT Phantom 410 REFURBISHED - If you are OK with refurbished cases - go with this one... The best case of the bunch with a lot of space for fans and rads without interfering with the internals...

Thank You very much for the help. I think I am going to go with the 230T Windowed.