Best card for a $600 budget

So I am building a pc for christmas and am on a mildly tight budget.

I have already decided on the i5-2500k and will not change.

I have my eyes on the His IceQ 7870 for $189, but kinda don't want to spend that much if I don't have to.

I am looking to get a card that will run BF3 on high with at least 40-50 fps, preferably ultra but high will do.

Any cards lower price that would satisfy me?

Well If your going to go with the 2500k you will not be able to get a $600 System with a 7870.

Going to have to Save some money or go without a graphics card for while if you are set on the 2500k.

Well with discounts ive had so far, after the figuring, ill be at $610 with the 7870 :P

Post a part list please.


Ill be getting all rebates as well


plus the PSU had a $20 off code

You already have a hard drive i suppose?


if not the 7870 a 7850 for arount 150/160 with a good aftermarket cooler should overclock to come close to a 7870  and RUN BF3 at high with 45 fps

how would i put an aftermarket on a GPU?