So i've been playing games recently on my pc and have been needing to switch out my astro a50's for a different headset the a50's just hurt the top of my head after like an hour or two as i play dnd every now and then. I was thinking superlux HD668B semi-open and getting a mod mic for skype, but cannot decide if theres a better set for a better price as i've watched Logans videos and these seemed to be the best for gaming and overall audio quality. Any other suggestions?
What's the limit to your budget?
For the headset probably 60 bucks since i'd be ordering modmic 4.0
Check out the Evo series since I think it looks premium, plus, it retains the features of the old 668bs. I would say it's even more comfortable since the flexband works better.
Bump. Also i've decided on either the hyper x cloud headset, superlux 681HD, or 668B. The superlux would have a modmic 4.0 and used on skype and to play fps games. Any suggestions as to which is better overall for the price?
The Superlux are semi open (open) headphones, the hyperX is closed.
Open = Noise leakage, reduced bass, better positional audio (where the sound is coming from) / wider sound stage.
Closed = No noise leakage, more bass (not always but a good rule of thumb) more claustrophobic sound stage.
The mic on the original hyperx is certainly inferior to the modmic, but hyperx are apparently changing the mic with the upcoming hyperx cloud mk2, so perhaps look into that before making a decision.