You guys may have seen my other post. I'm building a budget build for my cousin. Might go for the Athlon X4 860K or the FX-6300. I'm looking for a good solid motherboard that'll support overclocking and wont melt or blow up. Suggestions please
most popular with price in mind is the Asus M5A99X Evo or Pro as they have adequate powerphases. As for Fm2+ Based off what I see on, Id say the Asrock FM2A88X Extreme 6+ with an 8+2 Power phase. both boards are decent OC'ers I would go with the Pro over the EVO though.
Here are a few AM3+ with OC abillity for a good price.
Asrock 970 performance:
Gigabyte GA-970A-UD3P:
ASfar as FM2+ goes i need to look that up, but i think that every decent A88X chipset board would be fine. something like Asus A88X pro or something similar.
I can say that if you are planning to go FM2+ and you are willing to spend the money, the Asus Crossblade Ranger is an absolutely fantastic board. I have been having a lot of fun with my CBR and I highly recommend it to anyone willing to spend the money for one.
I'm using a gigabyte F2A88XN-Wifi board in my 860k build. It's an ITX form factor and as the name implies has built in wifi and bluetooth.
The gigabyte bios is easy to use and adjust ratio's etc. but I expect there are cheaper motherboards out there - especially in ATX format. EDIT: I also had to use an older athlon FM2 chip to flash the board before I could use the X4 860k.
As far as AM3+ boards go as Mystery suggests 970 is for a budget build. MSI have recently released a new 970 gaming board which looks pretty and is good for overclocking :-),1.html
If that had been availble in mini ATX or ITX I probably would have given that a go with an FX6300 instead of the 860k.
Hey can some help me out. i need an overclockable motherboard but it has to be am3+ micro atx.
Doesn't exist
Whats an good am3+ mobo worth buying.
I would get these if you need matx. Otherwise take a look at an i5.
Which one should I go for the FX-6300 or the 860K?
Here is my 860k with a base clock of 3.9GHz and a max turbo of 4.3GHz compared against an FX OC'ed to 4.6GHz.
You can see that single thread performance is largely equal and the FX-6300 is obviously ahead on multi-threaded benchmarks.
Now I can say it was dead easy to run my 860k at those speeds - no adjustments to voltage required. I expect that getting an FX 6300 stable at 4.6GHz took a little more effort - and requires you get a half decent chip that will get there.
I played Battlefield 4 multiplayer last night for the first time on my 860k rig with settings at Ultra - it held up and played OK but the CPU was maxxed 100%. A couple of extra cores definately would have helped - but for such a cheap chip I can't complain.
based on that graph. I can see that the FX 6300, being the one harder to OC, is the better chip than the 860k.