Best Bang for your buck Win8 Tablet?

Hello Tek Sydicate forums! So currently i'm looking for a good tablet, I would like it to be Windows 8 (Yeah i know probably just made a lot of people facepalm). I am very familiar with Win8 and plus i want to really take in the whole Win8 experience and you can do it with a tablet. I need it to be Wifi capable and 16 to 32 GB of Storage.

Thanks for the help


anything that's not windows.

Well thanks your alot of help

meh, i think the dell tabs are ok, but im not a big fan of windows for there tablet stuff,


As yoda logan once said "7 you must go with 8 it is better than"

  • how much do you want to spend
  • do you want windows 8 or windows rt

Ok so I want to spend around $500 for it. I Really want Windows 8. Also i have a Dell Laptop but im not too pleased with it so if possible stay away from Dell but i've seen the ASUS tablets and they look good.


I found two but there from newegg, not sure if your in america.



Ok thanks i do live in USA. So how well gaming wise will this work just wondering?

both are not really fit for pc gaming. you could play windows store games though

Meh gaming wise not really a good idea. Unless you just want to play games like angry birds.

But i would suggest a android tables for a wider variety of games.