Best bang for your buck wifi extenders

Hi all its been a long while since I spoken on these forums so bare with me.

After the Creators update I have suffered a decrease in network connectivity performance (thats an issue for another thread) to the point that its really significant. Highest (and the rarest) rate I can get is 20Mb download and 8Mb upload. Its so bad that I can’t really mutlitask with things connecting without having studdering or buffering more easily so i feel that its time to improve my range of my wifi.

I’ve been holding out on this for a while and I might as well do it now. I have an Xfinity modem/router that has 2 different networks (one 2.4 and the other 5 Ghz band) and I have my desktop on that 5Ghz network which it resides upstairs while the router/modem is downstairs.
I wanted to go to the wifi extenders route to solve the problem but idk what brand and model to use, I never used these before but I can learn quickly. I do like if it has a lot of customizability to get the best usage out of it.
Any recommendations?

Kind of curious about this, because my boss wanted one of those things as asked my opinion about them, he doesn’t want to pay for that sweet Ubiquiti UAP AC LR i showed him.

I would look into using a wired connection to your desktop. If this cannot be done buy a Ubiquiti ac lite and setup somewhere centrally located. See how that works for you. Also if it works well turn off wifi on xfinity modem.
You also may want to look into setting up a pfsense router and putting modem in bridge mode.

Ubiquiti ac lite? I’ll look into it. I can’t turn off wifi on my modem because since I live in a home with a few relatives they use it as a means of connecting to the internet.
For the pfsense box I would need to get a surplus build and set up with a two port ethernet link. I’ve seen tutorials about that and it would be fun to set up. I also have a cisco router and switch which can help have more room to add things.

can they just connect to the ac lite after you set it up?
Is there something special the modem is doing that the ap wont?

I’ll see what I can do and report back.

The modem/ router is still handling that portion but your ubiquiti act lite will be handling all wireless traffic

I use a cheap linsys (e1200 i think?) running ddwrt to repeat the wifi out to my garage. its 2.4ghz only but it should work the same with 5ghz. Just need something that supports ddwrt and for that matter the router you have might support it and you might then be able to boost your TX a bit.

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ASUS RT routers have served me well for years