Hello everyone, i am planning to get a aio water cooler for my system, but i want something that looks nice and performs well. I am thinking of getting the H240-x or H220-x, but they are both out of stock. I have no idea where i can buy one. I am wondering what others any of you would recommend. Thanks in advanced. =)
Specs would be nice.
Continuing the discussion from Best AIO water cooler?:
Im asking what is a really good aio water cooler and also for one that looks really nice....
Uhh, ok. A really good AIO cooler is the H100? The H60? H80? Nepton 240M?
I asked for specs because say if you had an i3, you would need a very different cooler than say, oh I don't know, a i7-5820K.
But if you intend to hold back info, then so be it.
Basically only 280mm+ ones. The rest (below 280mm) are no good. There you'd be better served by a Noctua tower cooler.
I have a Kraken X60 on my rig and an X61 on my wife's. Prob better ones out there but these are the ones I've had personal experience with. They perform very well and are decently quiet with stock fans and very quiet with Noctuas on there.
Easily kept my 8350 under 60 at 5.1 GHz. Currently serving my 4.6Ghz 5930K and my wife's 4.5 Ghz 5820K quite well. Around 52 degrees under load with fans at an acceptable level. Maxing them pushes it down about 5-10 degrees.
The newer Krakens are nice. I like my H110 and the H110i is available now.