Best 980 ti

So with fury x benchmarks out there, I have decided to finaly get 980ti. But I dont know which variation to get.

I know that all RDs are basicaly the same, but a lot of brands have already launched their own variatons of the card and more are coming. I know that it is too soon to truly know which card will end up the best, but do you have any sugestions?

I know GB had good 980s, should I go with them? Maybe I should just stick to RD?

I've been asking the same....

Yeah I just notticed your thread, you ninjaed me by 3 min lol

Are you buying from OCers

Yeah, I intend to

Maybe we can get a discount...

I'm just going to buy the Zotac one because it has the highest discount

I like the EVGA hybrid even though it's on a reference board, the boost clocks are really nice since the core is kept nice and cool. If you're interested in air, the Gigabyte G1 gaming would be my choice.

Well atm there are only inno3d variations available there and I am thinking that I will go with RF as well.

As for the discount, I am from Latvia so I dont know how we might make that work.

Just finished buying!!!

Zotac GeForce GTX 980Ti "Reference Design" 6144MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card (ZT-90501-10P) @ 509 + 9 for postage

If your not watercooling I think the AMP version for 530 is really good... but I'm not good with nVidia Cards.

I'll need to learn how to flash nVidia Bios' as well. I think I've become to comfortable with AMD.

The G1 is really expensive. You could get ref + block for cheaper

Ok, thanks for all the input. I ended up going with EVGA Nvidia Geforce GTX 980TI SuperClocked GDDR5

Reference of course.

The best - the one you like the look of and + get for the best price. If money isnt an concern than the GB G1's are pretty mean.
Comes down to the silicon lottery as to how good of a chip you got anyways.
Be aware though that the reference cooler is close to being at its limit with the 980ti's so be sure to have adequate case flow.

Whichever you like the look of really. They are within the margin of error from each other in the tests I have seen so far with no clear leader of the pack. A clever hybrid solution is on offer but mature cooler systems is out on other cards so. I'd pick by looks tbh.

I basicaly did as you say, went for the decent brand card that I found best deal on. Should be ok since it is a RD card witha a fancy name.