Best 970?

So, I'm building a new rig and I'm curious to see if there's a consensus on the 970. What's the best one? Should I just go with a 780? Looking at the cards now, I can't decide between the Asus, Gigabyte or EVGA. Any thoughts?


The msi version has good cooling and made to overclock.

Arguably the Gigabyte G1 Windforce.

So Far from many reviewers the G1 Windforce is the one that achieved the highest Overclocks.

The only thing turning me off is the lack of a "0 db" mode as far as I know. MSI, EVGA, and Asus all have it.  Although, I wonder if a simple manual fan control curve can manage that.

Most likely, I mean you probably won't hear 30 or 40 db unless you put your ears to the case but. a simple fan curve will probably fix it. and plus the damn card heat output is insanely low. you can definitely get away with a low fan curve as well anyways

I have the ASUS strix and I've set my fan curve to start to spin the fans at 55°C, but you can easily set it in GPU tweak to spin the fans @ whatever °C you want =)

But anyway, the cards comfy working temperature is 50-70°C ;)