Best $500 Australian build?

Gonna build my dad a pc, he says he wants a fast startup time etc He's willing to spend $500 (os not included or peripherals) and all he does is a little bit of light photo editing and mainly internet browsing, youtube, Facebook, email etc. I don't know where to begin so maybe you guys could help me?


Thanks in advance

MSY or pccg

 fx6300 with 970 mobo abouts $250

4gb ram $50

Hdd 1tb $60

Some antec or corsair PSU $50

Case $50

amd 7750 $60

$520 +/-


Or try APU's


Pick up an SSD!


FM2+ motherboard


128/256gb ssd, depending on budget.  Add 1TB hard drive storage as well.

CX430 for the psu

Cooler master N200