Best £5 ear buds?

Can somebody please help me find the best possible ear buds in terms of pure audio quality for £5?

Yes, this is somewhat of a silly budget but, they will only need to be used very rarely. So far after a couple searches on Ebay and Amazon I have found only used iphone earbuds, and £2 crappy ones.

EDIT: managed to find these

any more links would be greatly apreciated


It's not quite £5 but if you can afford to spend a little bit more, the JVC Marshmallow earbuds are the best.

Last year i've bought a pair of Awei earbuds on
I cannot find the ones i got but they were great so i've bought another 4 pairs for myself and my friends.

I got the in ear design earbuds they were like $4.90

I can go over, but they'de be for only occasional use so there's not too much point really. The JVC marshmallow look great though; not very far over budget at all either. Thank you, I will consider them