hey guys, i built my computer at the beginning of 2014 (it was the first computer i have ever built c:) i have an amd radeon 7850 hd with 2gb vram and its quite fine for gaming and i started to do a lot of vfx (a lot of 3d mainly element and after effects, a bit of c4d but who knows what i will get into later) and i would like to get a new gpu in the $400 price range. One that is good for video editing and a bit of gaming :D
also, i live in australia if that matters :P
i also have an i3 3240, 8 gigs of 1600mhz ram and two wd blue 1 tb hard drives
thanks guys :D
Grab a GTX 970 they should fit the budget. There will be a bottleneck in games but it depends on what game are you playing. Oh I live in Australia too so I know where too look for. If you have a MSY near you go there and ask if they have a gtx 970 that is a Gainward Phantom or the EVGA. The EVGA should cost $499 and the Gainward is $40 less than the EVGA MSY prices. Look on other sites like Umart, PCCaseGear, CPL see if they have any. I mostly shop at MSY since they are freaking cheap.
yeah i live like 20 minutes away from a umart shop so ill probably look it up there but pccasegear should be good if i want them to send it to my house :P it all depends on the price i guess haha thanks man c; also i when i play, i would play cod, crisis and metro. i like to play retro games and indie games as well c: it should be fine for most of that i recon :D