Best $350 GPU?

Hey guys!

     So the other day I spent a nice chunk of time here getting some things sorted for my first PC build, as I'm a total noob to this, but today I've decided I want to up the budget for my GPU. Does anyone have some recommendations on a GPU I should get at around $350? Have some wiggle room, if an extra bit of cash provides a nice chunk of performance I can go a bit more :)


Thanks in advance!

i would say get a 7950 with a good cooler with an overclock will save you money and will give better performance in some cases

MSI 7950, $179.99 after MIR. Get two of them.

I recommend the Radeon HD 7970 or the nVidea GeForce gtx 760, depending on which games you will play. Get the 7970 if you will play games like bf4, which are optimised for Radeon cards. If you play CoD and do some Photoshop and things like that, get the 760. 

Hope this will help you!

Thanks for the advice guys :D