Just have a quick question whats the best Gpu for 300$ range
770 or r9 280x
r they pretty much the same??
they are the roughly the same price. performance between them is almost equal. both cards beat each other in the games but its usually 1 or 2 frames from each other. get what you can get for cheaper.
Base it upon your use.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3lDm9 is this build good?
Yes. Except swap out the psu for the best 500/550w you can get around that price. Maybe an xfx. The xfx ts 550w gold is on sale for 69 on ncix right now and the ts bronze and older core model are still around and similar in price(65ish).
I wouldn't get the cheaper one, I would rather get the one with the features that are most compelling to you.(Unless ofc we are talking about a greater amount)
If you order soon something like this would be solid and cost a tad bit less. Two of the discounts end in the next couple days. The 15 dollars off the psu and the 20 dollars off the case I think.
I would rather invest in a better MOBO and a PSU with higher wattage.
I can agree with the psu change since overclocked fx 8cores can draw a good bit of power. I dont see much point in the rest of the changes as that 970s 8+2 power phase should be completely adequate and the define r4 is a steal at 80 dollars.