Hey guys, I have $200 bucks and want to upgrade my monitor for Titanfall (Yes I now it comes out in March). I currently play on a 1280x1024 monitor by Dell. I would like something with a good response time and and nice bezel (Not to thick and not to slim). Do you think I should wait till I can get $250-300 and buy one then ? As of now these are my two options.
Asus VS239H-P(newegg): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236288
Out of those two i would go with the ASUS one, or this one (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236335)which seems to be a bit better for not much more(same with rebate even). Since you intend on using this for gaming you could consider one of the BenQ TN panels. There is a lot of hate floating around for TN panels but you will gain faster response times with the loss of some color accuracy. So its really whats important to you.
Actually ya that would be a good deal if you think the condition is ok. Thats actually a 120hz monitor which will be really nice if your rig can push it over 60 fps. Considering the thing retailed at around $400-$450 new i would say grab it.(keep in mind it will still be less color accurate than an IPS monitor though my buddy actually has this exact model and its not that noticeable)