Hey guys! I'm looking to get a new monitor with a 2560x1440 resolution that is IPS and fast enough for gaming. I was thinking about the new Acer XB270HU but its $800 and I don't want to spend that much. Anyone have some suggestions?
I have the BenQ GW2765HT. It is only 60hrz which I over locked to 70. But the build quality is fantastic and beautiful color and display. I was pretty leery going to a BenQ after owning an asus and a Samsung. But I much prefer this now.
I was looking at that monitor last night. How hard was it to overclock and do you think it's possible to get it to 70? As cheap as it is if I can get it to 70-75 I would be happy. That way if I wind up going a few frames over 60
I wont get any tearing.
I am not too familiar with the model right now, but I would be looking into freesync (or G-sync if you have nVidia) if I were you. Good for gaming, and (at least for freesync) not much, if any, additional cost. As to whether or not there are any IPS freesync 1440p monitors available, I just have no clue. Anyway, if you are going to be using it for work, I would have to ask if going 4k for the realestate is not worth it. 4k is harder to drive in-game, but you can always have it scale 1080p up to 4k (which is a perfect 4:1 ratio for that scaling). I also have to ask whether or not color accuracy is of much importance to you (ie will you be doing photo/video work?). That can add a whole slew of addition cost.
I just used nvidia control panel and created a custom resolution and got it to 70. I might be able to push it higher with a D link DVI instead of display port but who knows.
I don't want to go for 4k right now because of the extra cost and problems with text scaling. I won't be doing professional work just some light video editing so color isn't a huge problem but I want good color reproduction. I have a EVGA GTX980 SC with the ACX2 cooler overclocked to 1500Mhz so I could use G-sync but all the G-sync monitors are way to expensive. If I wind up getting a G-sync one I'll probably get the Acer XB270HU but I don't really want to spend that much if I don't have to.
Any way you could send a screenshot of the control panel so I can see exactly what settings you used? I'm not familiar with overclocking monitors and have never done it myself.
All you do it go under nvidia control panel and go under display resolution. Click create a custom resolution and just bump up the hrz option about 5hrz at a time and apply it. Leave everything else. It's pretty straight forwards. I would send a pic but I'm not home.
How about a FW900?
Can you even buy those anymore?
You can buy refurbished units with warranty on Hardforum from Unkle Vito. They are $1100+shipping. A $1100 monitor is obviously out of OP's price range, but a used FW900 can be found for $200-$600 if you search.
Because I totally want a CRT monitor lol.
A good CRT will outperform any LCD. If you want to downgrade your experience, have you considered purchasing a console?
I have a 360 and a one, hardly use them now because I have a beast of a computer. If I wanted to downgrade my experience I'd just go back to them lol.