BenQ Zowie XL2546 or Gigabyte AORUS KD25F

I’m a pro FPS gamer (admittedly in the lower-tier region of OCE) looking to make the jump from 144hz to 240, and I think I’ve narrowed it down to either of these, though more suggestions would be welcome. Hardwareunboxed has a fantastically in-depth review of the KD25F while I’m yet to find anything that goes beyond an unboxing of the BenQ, though they are a company I have experience with as their monitors are found at most (all?) LANs I have attended. In Australia they go for about the same price, and although I’m not a fan of the ‘gamer’ aesthetic of the gigabyte monitor, I’m not turned off enough by it, or by Gigabyte’s limited experience selling monitors to put it out of the running. The ‘DyAc’ mode on the XL2546 looks tempting, as it is essentially a 240hz backlight strobe, which I hear (though haven’t seen) can be good for recoil control and other ‘screen-shudder’ moments, but the colour accuracy and ACTUAL response times of the KD25F look promising, with nothing from BenQ to compare them to even after an email to support.
Anyone able to steer me one way or the other, or show me a more in-depth review?

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