I recently discovered that HDMI cant achieve higher than 60hz, so im gonna have to use a different input. I will be plugging the BenQ XL2411Z into the back off a MSI GTX 980Ti (when I get it) and was wondering what adapter I might need to connect them together.
BenQ Monitor XL2411Z inputs; x1 D-sub x1 DVI-DL x1 HDMI (and it comes with) x1 VGA Cable x1 DVI Cable
MSI GTX 980 Ti inputs; 3 x DisplayPort 1.2 1 x DVI-I DL 1 x HDMI 2.0
Now I dont really know much about the differences between ports (DVI - DVI-I DL?!!??)
All I know is that HDMI is ment to be HD...lol.
So yeh, could some explain the differences between the different inputs and whether or not I will need an adapter or if everything will just plug straight in.
I believe you can just use the dvi ports. I tested DVI-I DL on my Gtx 770 to see if I could use it to achieve 144hz on my own benq 2411z, and it worked fine and instantly.
There are two kinds of dvi, dvi-i (analog), and dvi-d(digital). A non duel link cable will fit into the corresponding duel link port, but not vice versa. This is because the duel link variants have more pins. And no, you will not see a loss in performance FPS wise. What you loose from going with the non duel link version, is higher resolution. And do not not go with the dvi-i, it is analog.... nuff said. Either use the hdmi, or save up for a monitor with a display port.
IMO: 60 hertz is just fine. Although it is true, you're essentially "throwing away" the higher frames because you won't technically see them, it will only go 60 FPS, but hell 60 FPS is great. And if you're only going to get 60 FPS, save some money and get a 60 hz monitor.
Its a DVI-D and the included DVI-D cable can go into the DVI-I port on the Gtx 980 and still produce a 144hz refresh rate. I tested this with my own BenQ 2411z and Gtx 770 going through the DVI-I port on the back of my Gtx 770, and into the DVI-D port on the 2411z. You can get DVI-D signal over DVI-I, but not the other way around. It will work fine :)
Defiantly feeling like the Display Port is gonna be the best option.
I might be saving up my pennies and purchasing a BenQ XL2430T instead. It costs a bit more and doesnt come with a Display Port cable, but its gonna be more future proof than DVI-CRAP.
You can adapt displayport to either dvi. Nothing else has the bandwidth to get full 144hz besides hdmi 2.0, but thats not widely adopted yet. They make the card with DVI-I because DVI-I can transfer either a digital and analog signal, and can accept a DVI-D cable. But since your terminating in DVI-D you effectively getting a DVI-D connection to the monitor. I believe DVI-D is digital, but I may be messing that up.
I guess it makes sense to put DVI-I port on the card if its "forward" compatible with DVI-D anyway. Because if you they put the DVI-D port on the card and you had a DVI-I monitor, that would suck :s
Is that right? its confusing...
Its making more and more sense to go with Display Port, especially if you can adapt it to DVI also, and it just seems to be more straightforward.
I'd personally not go with a higher end BenQ unless it was a FreeSync or GSync compatible display. If you really want displayport on monitor, get this Asus for $249.99 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B2HH7G0/?tag=pcpapi-20 Its 144hz and supports both DVI-D and displayport. I personally chose the 2411z over the Asus because the Asus is wrapped in a glossy plastic that I really hated on my last Asus. For me this BenQ will last a long time. DVI-D isn't the premiere connector anymore, but that doesn't make it bad. The Gtx 900 series supports it, and all of the R9 300 series have it on card except the Fury line. But the thing is, even if its not on your graphics card, you can very easily adapt to it. Going from displayport to DVI-D or DVI-I is extremely easy. Its a simple and cheap adapter off amazon, and then your set to go. I really disliked the plastic construction of the Asus, and too me having DVI-D isn't a problem. The plastic on the Asus is glossy and doesn't really feel in place on a $250 monitor. Asus used the matte finish on everything since for a reason... Although for the price I'd recommend the Asus over a DisplayPort boasting non-freesync/gsync pricey BenQ any day.
This is probably true but I think I plugged both types into my benq monitor. Had issues with dvi i and running above 100fps though. Had some crazy double image going.
Also worth looking through the refurbs/clearance on the benq site. Could save a few bucks. Bought mine as a refurb direct from benq.