BenQ GL2250 Monitor Shadow Spots Prtoblem

So last year I got these 2 monitors and after an hour of use they got these dark shadows. So I put the monitors away because the spots were annoying. So many months later I bring them out again (today), and they were working perfectly for about 4 hours of use. So I assumed they had just fixed themselves. I go out and come back and wake up my desktop computer from sleep mode and they are fine for a second and then the spots appear once more. I recorded a quick video showing the problem.
If anyone has any idea what to do, please let me know because I really want to continue using these guys.
Thanks so much

Video of Problem

most likely your diffusion plate is bad.

the diffusion plate spreads the light around the screen to keep the backlight at a constant level, on all parts of the screen.

Is that expensive to replace? =\

yea, you have to replace the whole lcd. might check to see if your warranty is still intact.