Benchmarks (4770K vs 8350) **updated:25 June 14

I dont have starcraft but if I have time I would give DayZ a go.

At the moment (the benchmarks I have currently done) if the 8350 dips then the 4770K would also drop at the same location. I noticed this with metro last light.

There is a method but im not sure, its currently 2:55am and I just got a 6 trays of intel chips to take back to work (Testing). Im sure it 99th percentile benchmarks that give that kind of results.

I promise you guys I will be releasing better benchmarks. Where we can see drops and etc. Currently at this point I need to get my video editing skills a bit higher. Also the reason I release these benchmarks because I'm sick of reviews that fan boy out a company and purposely mess the benchmarks up. You dont have to agree with my benchmarks, maybe im doing something wrong, just tell me.I dont care either about AMD or INTEL. I just want each company to battle it out so advancement is a lot faster (e.g. AMD vs NV).

If you guys want I can release overclock comparisons :)

The next benchmarks I will be releasing soon:

- Crysis 3

- Skyrim

If you guys liked the videos remember to hit that like button :) Recently I've been getting a lot of dislikes :S


I look forward to those up coming benchmarks.

yeah great work thumbs up ☺

Any video that shows amd getting results anywhere near intel will tend to get downvoted... Its just kind of the way things are unfortunately.

Nice job with those benchmarks. Can you make framerate vs time graphs instead of just average FPS values?

That would be more helpful.

Good job matey. Keep the vids coming I reckon. Little hard to understand your accent though.

Thanks.  I didn't mean to imply you were doing anything wrong, I've been wondering about this for a while.  Everyone knows about temporary drops in frame rate, but as you say the reviewers are often not trying to be accurate.

Metro last light is added as you requested. Far cry 3 will be up soon...

Tell me the game and I will add!

I know! Thanks!

Thanks! My first intentions were to do a time graph but they all ended up looking similar to each other. But I do check them. From the newest game I will only if there is a good difference that the eye can tell :)

Thanks. I know its the MIC I have. It make my voice all different, even my old headset mic was way better. Need to get a better MIC but I decided to buy 2 copies of witcher 3 lol!

Anyway I will be getting a better mic soon, I even noticed cheaper headsets make my voice sound way better, its something to do with my voice setting. I found out the problem a few months back when everyone on TS told me my voice sounds better ;)

Really cool man ,

Could we see ARMA 2 / 3 ?

I'm VERY interested in these games , because suposedly the 8350 CRUSHES the intel's .

I guess I can do them, which one do you prefer? Arma 2 or 3?

Nice benchmark again.

bioshock, batman, farcry3, need for speed. skyrim

you could benchmark ARMA 3, but this game, does not realy make much sense for both cpu´s.

Out of curiosity, could you test frametimes as well? I don't believe I've ever seen CPU vs CPU frametime benchmarks.

Well I was thinking about logan's tests on arma 2 in his video , so maybe arma 3 ?

Arma 3 brought my 3570k to it's knees on 128 pop servers :/

Which bioshock? Skyrim and farcry 3 are next on my list. ARMA 3 is my low priority, I will do it after all the benchmarks are complete.


I would like to see DayZ,  next car game,  Assassin's creed black flag,  Skyrim, Arma 3 and battlefield hardline (if you got into the beta). You might not have some of these so don't worry about it if you can't benchmark them.

Keep up the good work, I'm enjoying the benchmarks a lot. I'm between these two cpu's and I couldn't find any videos with them at stock until now

Benchmark while streaming. I heard the FX 8350 is way better for streaming.