A group of hackers have succeeded in hi-jacking one of Belgium's most famous advertising panels, the Coca Cola ad on the De Brouckèreplein in central Brussels. For a while the country's largest advertising panel was hi-jacked by a series of images that included a troll face and two naked breasts.
In a video released by an anonymous group last weekend (see below) you can see how the hackers experience little trouble getting into the building where the panel is housed. On the roof they replace the Coca Cola logo by a series of images including one that says “Hello BXL!". Another featured the Coca Cola logo with naked breasts in the background.
It's understood that a judicial complaint has been filed against the perpetrators whose faces have been made unrecognisable in the video below.
Sauce : http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws.english/News/1.2533866 The video: http://dai.ly/x3jo4m2
I think this is awesome
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If this is what it takes to get politicians to take "cyber secruity" more serious...
I think that this sort of thing is pointless and stupid. Things that kids do because they think it is funny. There is literally no purpose to it at all.