Behold the mind of a console gamer
I was going to make an account to reply to this post. But then i realized that i don't even know where to start

What's wrong with it apart from the fact that the guy leans towards consoles a bit biased-ly?

... some expensive hardware parts, such as = VGA (Video cards) and PSU’s to keep with those electricity consuming bastards. Same goes with CPU’s specially AMD FX which those consume 125w to 200w with the Vishera 9320 and memory sticks up to 16gb or even more.

Personally i did an upgrade but only CPU and a VGA, ...

That's as far as I got before I nope'd outta there.

I also didn't get past the first paragraph. Is he calling graphics cards VGA? Or am I missing something? Plus the part when he said the catalog is better on a ps vita, I am either missing something fundamental in that post or he is a massive troll, or he's an idiot.

The sad thing is some of his point is valid but then again this guy has some screws loose in his head.

Leans towards consoles? No this guy has fallen over in that direction. Most of what this guy says is based on untrue stereotypes or grossly outdated information.

Well the website is called "ps3hax" so I wouldn't be surprised if he was biased. Just like how people on PC sites are biased towards PCs, and the whole "master race" thing has just made it all worse tbh.