I have to learn how to pipe effectively in Linux, I was wondering if anyone know any books / papers / links that explains this from the ground up? What I have found so far has been pretty gash and while I get the fact that it’s stdin and stdout and std2(error) or whatever I don’t understand how linked programs know what info is coming in and out etc?
Ok cool. Let’s say you use something like ansible, and you understand python. Let’s say you run that as a shell module and then run a python-like “split” on the “,” you have now created an array. You can now access this data structure using traditional references.
If that doesn’t make sense, you should want it to. Start by man paging everything between the pipes. I’ve just provided a nugget of gold. However, I’m happy to answers to any questions because I’m willing to pay it forward.
Dude! You can trim out the table header line with grep -v stuff and then remove the space and replace with commas.
I know you well enough to know you understand how a comma separated string can be used on a “split” method to do all sorts of fun stuff programmatically.
You could tear that string up with a split method and python in 5 seconds, no doubt!
I don’t want to drift off topic, but you know I’ve been here since 2015 right?
@sgtawesomesauce When some people were learning the right way — I was cutting people out cars, loading people people cut in half by I-Beams into choppers, delivering babies, and saving kittens out of trees while reading books on data structures and other stupid computer stuff right?