So I'm wanting to get into programming and I find the best way I will learn is if i have a book in front of my hand. And the American Library in Paris has mainly outdated book on hand, though I can't blame them. I can basically read through anything given to me, though I prefer something that keeps me interested. I want something thats up to date. People have recommended the Java all-in-one Guide for Dummies, yet for C++ I havent really found anything that I believe is up to date. Also I have a price range of about $20 a book. So I would like suggestions and such. Also I have read from some reviews that I will need some place where i can do and practice some programming myself. Do any of you have any suggestions for that as well?
For C++, there are a few books everyone reads and they get updated when a new standard is commited. I'll just leave a link here..