<-- the code is here don't ask me why, I couldn't post it here without getting it all jumbled up We're having a problem with this code.
We're beginner coders so please don't rape us in the comments.
The problem is as follows and not even our teacher can fix it ( insert dull face here).
What is happening when we try to run the program and it reaches the part where it compares the variables ( if var1=var2 etc..etc..) and it says
Error:Incompatible types: got "Boolean" expected "Int64"
If I change var1,var2 and var3 to boolean it still gives me the same problem. How can we fix this?
Help please
Cheers Luís and Luigi
dont you have to assign the " then (bet1*3);"
to a variable?
im not realy familiar with pascal
something to do with the "or" that's a boolean operator so it's looking for boolean values?
Try adding brackets around each of if conditions like this
if (var1 = var2) or (var2 = var3) or (var1 = var3)
Hey man thanks A LOT for your input!
I tried what Dissentient said but it didn't seem to work, but I tried it again and it worked finally, now the problem I'm getting is that after comparing the two variables
var1 = var2
var3 = var2
then (bet1*3);
when I write then bet1* 3 (because if the 3 numbers are equal I want to multiply the bet by 3) it says illegal expresion.
I tried adding brackets around the number 3 and bet1 spacing it but nothing!
Hey man I can't thank you enough it worked, I tried that before but for some reason it gave me a whole bunch of other errors but oh well.
well now I'm getting a new one which is as follows:
var1 = var2
var3 = var2
then (bet1*3);
when I write then bet1* 3 (because if the 3 numbers are equal I want to multiply the bet by 3) it says illegal expresion.
I tried adding brackets around the number 3 and bet1 spacing it but nothing!
Thanks again man for your fast response!
(because if the 3 numbers are equal I want to multiply the bet by 3) it says illegal expresion.
Well, it is.
The proper expression is
if (var1 = var2) and (var2 = var3) then bet1 := bet1 * 3;
Any statement after 'then' should be written like any other statement. You can never write something like bet1 * 3, an assignment statement should have left side and right side. The closest thing would be Bet1 *= 3; in languages like C.
By the way, can you please make an array as in
Bet : Array[1..10] of Integer;
with referring to individual variables as Bet[1], Bet[2], etc...
It will make your life much easier if you are going to use those variables in future.