Begginer Project Ideas

Hello everyone,
I am basically a beginner in coding and stuff. I know my way around tech and have been enjoying some linux time, by want to start doing some simple projects involving like arduinos, coding and linux and i was wondering if anyone has any ideas, advice or cools stories to tell

This is something I have been thinking of getting into at some point

but i think from what you suggested you might find that interesting as coding is involved too. edit, my idea was something that walks around with my antenna i use for software defined radio. to get a better signal

Try something like an E-Mail notification lamp mod. It doesn't take much hardware-wise(Arduino + Relay) and involves programming. It shouldn't be to hard to code either, there are SMTP bindings for almost all languages availabel, and communicating with the arduino could be done(If the language you're going to use has no serial API) over the ttyUSB-Interface & a shell-script, which would also teach you a little bit Linux(TTY's, stdout, piping, shell scripting, ...).
Most people in your sittuation tend to start with the Python language, allthough I would recommend some other language, since python is kind of atypical in it's syntax, convention & naming, and also really slow.

Thank you both for the response, i will take a look at both things :)