Before i place this order what do you think?

im going to order the following parts on the list below.

xbox has RROD 3x (got it replaced) the slim recently stop reading disks im done with xbox 

mainly will use it for gaming + school 

1. they seem compatible on pcpartbuilder

2. is this the best for the $$$$? if you have something better please suggest it!

3. my budget is 1500$

parts i have already : case, dvd drive, hard drive, keyboard, and mouse.

Yeah that seems good.

Your processor and motherboard are compatible. Your ram is good. And a Radeon 7950 is a pretty good graphics card.

You said that you have $1500? You might want to upgrade to a stronger card, just since you have the money.

i dont mind spending 1500$ at all. what would  be a better card?

Hmm, I would go for a Radeon 7970 or a GTX 680. To decide between either of them really depends on the games that you play. Good luck though!