So I am going overseas for 3 months to a year and I was lucky to be given a Sony Vaio 3D F Series Laptop VPCF217HG, I have gone through a good 13 second hand laptops in the past 5 years and each and every one had their own little issues, Everything from blue screening, massive CPU throtling and more.
This Vaio however seems to be the best so far. Better than an 09 HP Probook for sure but its got its own problem. Every few hours, Randomly it sends out 2 short beeps through the speakers, Not during system load but during use. I have been searching and searching for whats causing it, Usialy while the laptop is in idle. As I am going overseas, I cant bring my desktop and so have to rely on this laptop for animation.
Can anyone give me some insight into these beeps as they are irritating, not to mention painful when wearing headphones. System was given a complete reload with no effect.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit Sony varient
Intel i7 2820QM CPU, 48 Degrees Idl, 69 Load
Nvidia GT 540m, 43 Degrees Idl, 59 Load
I dont believe its overheating obviously and everything I have checked has failed to provide any insight.
Any ideas?