Because I'm too stupid for YouTube

My YouTube page looks like this:

 How can I make it look like this:

 I'm talking about the black accents. I looked everywhere and I can't find any appearance settings. If you can, please help.


PS. I don't suppose there is a dark theme for youtube hidden somewhere in the settings... or is there?? 

Also, unrelated to youtube, where can I find the dark theme for teksyndicate??

If you hover over "MAIN" a list thingy appears and then all the way to the right there is a way to choose theme ;) Don't know about the Youtube thing.

Yep, thanks for that. The awesomeness level of teksyndicate increased dramatically.

Well, I've been under the assumption Google had no customization options for YouTube, so we all will have to suffer until someone at Google understands customization is a good thing.

Another "brilliant" idea they had was to force "Recommended" material on the front page instead of just the latest videos from your subscribed channels.

This and the new bland theme are so impractical and aggravating  ><

What browser is that?

The new YouTube is fucking shit. When I open my YouTube tab, all I want is the latest uploads by the subscribed users and messenges/responses recieved.

Now... it's like Facebook. I see every fucking thing my subscriptions watch, like, comment, favor, share ect. WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT. All I want to see is the latest uploads...

-EDIT- Oh... right. I have to click on each of my 82 subs, and click "show uploads only". Dickstippy scumbag YouTube.

It's going downhill fast... I don't know where their heads are at... 

OOH!!! OOH!!!! OOH!!!