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The Silent Base would look great with yellow accents. Thats my vote.

Of the two Genome cases I much prefer the white one, over all a really nice looking case and some interesting options going on in them with the GPU mount and everything else. Does that price for that case include the AIO water cooler?

I love those Tri-Stellar cases so good looking, I still want one and I like those helix reservoirs it would be really cool to see them integrated like the modded case but from the factory, but it is all ready out of my budget so I can only imagine that would push it higher.

It was only a matter of time before it was done; a water cooled PSU, Amazing? YES, but would I feel safe buying one? Not until the 4th or 5th generation, maybe the 3rd depending on how they are doing.

After all the nonsense I went through with the Captain 240 (3 units failed in just 4 months), it will be quite some time before I buy another deep cool product, if ever again...

So sad to see so many people scared of water cooled PSU. How many times have you seen GPU/CPU block fail? I have custom water cooled PC's for nearly a decade, no problems what so ever.
Reading some (youtube) comments regarding this is like watching religion and science fight, like it's some tabu.

I'd buy that PSU, if tube connector's would be on PSU not with tubes sticking out.

There used to be liquid cooled PSU:s around, but they've been gone from the market for quite some time. Safety? You usually have your GPU's right above your PSU right? If you liquid cool them, they would probably leak right on the PSU if there is a leak. Probably not much safer, I think. In my experience blocks very seldom leak. I've had an elbow rotary connector leak a couple of drops, that's about it.

I don't get why there is a need of a water cooled PSU. The PSU isn't the biggest heat generator in a system anyway. The only reason that I can think of an application for this is some crazy flashy LEDs everywhere blink blink PC.

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I don't trust water-cooling as it is. A water cooled PSU would just terrify me.

I think the water cooled PSU is cool. I'm to much of a lazy fuck to deal with maintenance on water cooling though.

Exactly that! Custom loops are effort.

That helix reservoir reminds me of T-virus from Resident Evil.