BBC: ISPs should assume heavy VPN users are pirates


That's a big assumption to make BBC. 

Long time lurker, first time poster. Had to make an account to highlight this article. All of us sensible VPN users that use VPNs to avoid throttling etc are all pirates apparently!

A quote from the article “It is reasonable for ISPs to be placed under an obligation to identify user behavior that is ‘suspicious’ and indicative of a user engaging in conduct that infringes copyright..."

Would love to hear peoples responses to this statement from the Beeb. The BBC is now a global broadcaster, so will be gaining more and more influence over not only British ISPs, but international ones as well.


Kitguru running a similar article - 

they're just another large corporation overstepping their bounds in their attempt to protect their bottom line.

people must resist them, as they resist other meddlesome corporations that try to violate people's rights to communicate privately.

that's what i think should happen, but what will actually happen, i don't know. hopefully its a storm in a teacup as i don't think ISPs will have much financial incentive to try to find a way to go after VPN folks just for the sake of the BBC.

I agree, ISPs probably won't want to chase individual VPN users, it would cost them time and money. The quotes from the BBC seemed to be the most direct statement of assumed guilt that I have heard for a while.

I suppose the only solution is to get everybody using a VPN for everything. Everyone can't be guilty can they?

Not all, but some.. yeah :)

Of course they are pirates. If you have nothing to hide, you don't try to conceal your actions on the internet. Therefore, if you are concealing your actions, you have something to hide.

Fucking morons.

I wonder who pays them more to spread such filth: the corporations that seem to go berserk when it comes to filesharing or the government bothered by the fact that they cannot spy so easily on everything a person does online.

Eh, Britain.

This is ofcourse no more or less than the backing of official state policy by state-controlled and owned media outlets, it is no secret that it is the policy of the government of the UKGB & NI, to control the distribution of information, including monitoring the entirety of the communications of the people of the UKGB & NI. There is much academic literature to back this up:

Governments use public education and public ownership of the media to control the information that their citizens receive. More totalitarian governments as well as those with larger wealth transfers make greater investments in publicly controlled information.

This finding is borne out from cross‐sectional time‐series evidence acros countries and is confirmed when the recent fall of communism is specifically examined.

My results reject the standard publicagood view linking education and democracy, and I find evidence that public educational expenditures vary in similar ways to government ownership of television stations.

Country‐level data on the organization of families as well as data on South African public schools are also examined.

While I agree that the media we all receive is controlled to alter perception of reality, not sure that this applies to corporations views on VPN-ing. To me this sounds like a media producer aggressively defending its own bottom line by assuming guilt of anyone using a VPN service.
Having said that, i'm sure certain agencies and departments would not be happy if more internet traffic were travelling through VPNs.... 

I think its funny that these companies haven't figured out that it will always happen one way or another. Happened with CDs, Cassette tapes, VHS, hell even vinyl can be pirated.

Assuming everyone that owned a dual tape deck was a pirate wasn't the norm, so why say this about VPNs!